050 - 361 09 10

Acupuncture better than propranolol in preventing migraine?

Yes, according to this research published in the Journal of Neurology:
Analysis of 19 randomized controlled clinical studies involving a total of 3656 patients found that

  1. Acupuncture has a significant advantage over propranolol in reducing migraine episodes over a 4-week period;
  2. Acupuncture has a significant advantage over waiting-list control in decreasing migraine frequency; and
  3. Acupuncture causes fewer adverse events than propranolol.

Acupuncture is effective for frequent migraine

Acupunctuur werkt volgens onderzoek bij hoofdpijn zelfs beter dan medicatie. Dit wordt onder andere beschreven in een recent wetenschappelijk artikel.

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Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine is associated with lasting improvements in headache and migraine patients

Treatment of chronic headache patients in Germany with traditional Chinese medicine resulted in lasting improvements, especially for those with migraine.

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Hoofdpijn en Migraine

A research at RMIT in Australia found acupuncture effective for frequent migraine.

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