050 - 361 09 10

Acupuncture treatment for dysfunctional uterine bleeding in an adolescent

A 17-year-old girl with a history of dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB) and severe dysmenorrhea was treated with hormonal therapies for 16 months without improvement. Treatment with acupuncture was started while she was taking oral contraceptives. Her menstrual cycle normalized after 4 weeks (10 acupuncture treatments). She continued to be regular during the rest of treatments and to date, 6 months after the treatment was discontinued.

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Acupuncture reduces urine leakage in women with stress urinary incontinence

Acupunctuur is effectief bij stress-incontinentie

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Acupuncture reduces hot flashes for menopausal women

A recent research found hot flashes can be reduced in frequency by almost half over eight weeks of acupuncture treatment.

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Acupuncture significantly increases pregnancy rates for women with repeated IVF failure

Systematic review of clinical trials in Italy, Germany, Australia and USA found acupuncture significantly increases pregnant rates for women with repeated IVF failures.

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Acupuncture reduced postmenopausal symptoms in a sham controlled clinical trial

Lees hier een wetenschappelijk artikel over het effect van acupunctuur op overgangsklachten.

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