Acupuncture gave me hope after polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis
In March, I was formally diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) – a chronic hormonal disorder. In my case, I suffer from prolonged periods. My doctor gave me advice about how to manage my atypical menstrual cycle, but it all felt so generic: I was told to ramp up my exercise routine and was given information on foods to eat and avoid, along with a list of supplements to take. The more I read about polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and the more I spoke with others who were diagnosed, the more I realized no case was the same. Some women were not getting their periods at all; meanwhile, mine lasted 15-plus days with continuous bleeding. How could the treatment be the same for all of us? That’s when I decided to look into a more personalized course of treatment, and I found it in traditional Chinese medicine. ” by Jackie Martin.